Fahrenheit 451 is a dystopian novel set years into the future. In the fictional world books have been banned and firemen have taken on the responsibility of burning them, and anyone who is a threat to their society.
The book explores what it would be like if the attainment of knowledge were to be completely banned in society, and Ray Bradbury uses books as symbolism for knowledge. In his world the government can easily manipulate its people, and elections become more a reality TV show than a political movement. People care very little the act of learning and spend most of their time watching huge TV's called "walls".
The book starts out light enough, when the author introduces a character who is very obviously fed up with his current situation. He meets a young girl who inspires a growing curiosity and need inside himself.
Guy Montag, the main protagonist, then begins to steal books from houses and save them from fires, as things begin to escalate he starts to read them and soon his life his ripped apart, not by books, but by a society who values ease and complacency more than freedom and knowledge.
This book would be enjoyed by any general audience, however I think fans of 1984, Animal Farm and other dystopian novels about tyrannical governments would enjoy it immensely.